Featured products

LED Wall - Inside - B-Building Level 4 Escalator 


(6 Spots)


This location is the first set of escalators used in B-Building and from the entry level to the hall. 


GWCC digital walls are located over the B-Building Level 4 escalator. These give the sponsors continuous visual exposure during the entire week of IPPE. Each 10-second graphic will be looped every 90 seconds.


Exhibitor is responsible for creative based on requirements of IPPE and GWCC. Grapic must contain booth number. Graphic can be static or animated/video.

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LED Wall - Inside - B-Hall Registration - 2 Areas


(6 spots)


The heart of the B-Building is its registration area. 


GWCC digital walls are located inside the A-B lobby area. These give the sponsors continuous visual exposure during the entire week of IPPE. Each 10-second graphic will be looped every 90 seconds.


Exhibitor is responsible for creative based on requirements of IPPE and GWCC. Grapic must contain booth number. Graphic can be static or animated/video.




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Antique Tractor Display



Be a part of IPPE 2025’s “Blast from the Past”!


Thousands of attendees will share your brand with the global poultry and egg, meat and animal food industries. Back by popular demand, IPPE 2025 will once again feature a display of antique tractors to celebrate the rich history of agriculture’s role in feeding the world.


Last displayed at the 2024 IPPE, the antique tractor display was a popular learning and photo opportunity. Hundreds of social media posts were shared by attendees and through IPPE social media channels. Be a part of this digital branding opportunity by sponsoring the display.


Sponsorship benefits include:


- Signage with logo and booth number on each tractor on display, ensuring your brand is seen by the global audience IPPE attendees reach

- Logo and booth number with link to sponsor’s website in all pre-show emails to attendee

- Recognition on the IPPE website and mobile app with logo, booth number and link to sponsor’s website as an attendee event

- Recognition in all attendee emails with logo, booth number and link to sponsor’s website where attendee events are mentioned

- Recognition (including company name, booth number and link to sponsor’s website) in IPPE 2025 mobile app push notifications encouraging attendees to visit the antique tractor display

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IPPE Young Leaders Under 30 Award




The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) developed the Young Leaders Under 30 Award to recognize professional leadership qualities and provide exposure to the world's largest annual trade show involving the production and processing of meat, poultry and egg products or in the production of animal food and pet food products.


The goal of the award is to engage and invest in the next generation of young professionals, between the ages of 21 and 29, while celebrating their status as up and coming leaders in their companies. Young professionals who work for companies directly involved in the production and processing of poultry and meat or in the production of animal food and whose company is a member of AFIA, NAMI or USPOULTRY are eligible to apply. The award comes with education for further training in each person’s respective industry and exposes the recipients to the latest technology used in the industry.


This award is highly regarded by member companies’ management, many of whom accompany the various Young Leaders as they attend their activities. Position your company front and center with the next generation of leadership as well as their managers to not only highlight your product and services but also show your support of the meat, poultry and animal food industries.


Sponsorship benefits include:


- Company logo with link to your website on the Young Leaders Under 30 Award page on the IPPE website.

- Company logo with link to your website on all pre-show emails to Young Leaders and member companies.

- The Young Leaders Under 30 Award recipients and their guests will stop by your booth during their VIP tour of the Expo floor. Sponsor has the option to have a member of their staff accompany the group on the tour.

- Sponsor will receive three invitations to attend the Young Leaders Under 30 Award breakfast and has the option to provide handouts or giveaways for the recipients.

- Sponsor will be recognized, with booth number, at the Young Leaders’ plaque presentations to be held on the Expo floor in the Discovery Zone and open to all IPPE attendees.

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The International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) is focused on bringing together buyers, with the power to make or influence buying decisions, and sellers of the latest technology of products and services to make your business successful. They come to see companies like yours and the new products and resources that make this the premier event for the poultry and egg, meat and animal food industries.


Maximize your impact through sponsorships and marketing to distinguish your company from your competitors.


IPPE’s sponsorship and marketing opportunities allow you to start sharing your message before the show, highlight your presence during the show and even extend your reach after IPPE is over. Sponsorship and marketing are key to attracting new prospects, boosting sales and increasing brand recognition. The best way to remain top of mind is to stay in front of your audience every step of the way.


Choose one or multiple opportunities to create a program that fits your IPPE goals. Have an idea? Looking for an idea? Contact Lisette Reyes, manager, expo services to brainstorm a custom package to match your goals.

Lisette Reyes


All sponsors must be current contracted IPPE exhibitors. The deadline for all banner and digital opportunities is December 21, 2024.


Payment is due within 30 days of invoice. If payment is not received by the due date, sponsorships will be canceled and returned to inventory. Refunds are not given if you choose to cancel your sponsorship or your booth. Sponsorships purchased less than 30 days before IPPE must be paid in full or the sponsorship will not be delivered.