Antique Tractor Display



Be a part of IPPE 2025’s “Blast from the Past”!


Thousands of attendees will share your brand with the global poultry and egg, meat and animal food industries. Back by popular demand, IPPE 2025 will once again feature a display of antique tractors to celebrate the rich history of agriculture’s role in feeding the world.


Last displayed at the 2024 IPPE, the antique tractor display was a popular learning and photo opportunity. Hundreds of social media posts were shared by attendees and through IPPE social media channels. Be a part of this digital branding opportunity by sponsoring the display.


Sponsorship benefits include:


- Signage with logo and booth number on each tractor on display, ensuring your brand is seen by the global audience IPPE attendees reach

- Logo and booth number with link to sponsor’s website in all pre-show emails to attendee

- Recognition on the IPPE website and mobile app with logo, booth number and link to sponsor’s website as an attendee event

- Recognition in all attendee emails with logo, booth number and link to sponsor’s website where attendee events are mentioned

- Recognition (including company name, booth number and link to sponsor’s website) in IPPE 2025 mobile app push notifications encouraging attendees to visit the antique tractor display

Availability: Out of stock