IPPE Welcome Video Title

$7,5000 – Exclusive - One Opportunity

IPPE attendees start planning their Expo experience months before the actual show. Reach registered attendees and potential attendees by sponsoring the IPPE Welcome Video. The title sponsor’s logo and message will be featured in the IPPE Welcome Video with the goal of providing year-round brand recognition. The Welcome video is on IPPE’s YouTube page and is featured in the IPPE monthly attendee newsletters and daily e-blasts while at IPPE, as well as on IPPE’s social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). The Welcome is also played on IPPE busses as they travel to and from IPPE block hotels to the GWCC and on mobile monitors in the registration areas of the GWCC during the week of IPPE.


Sponsorship benefits include:

  • Sponsor’s logo in opening animation of video
  • Sponsor’s watermark displayed throughout video (where appropriate)
  • Insertion of a sponsor-provided commercial of up to 30 seconds at end of video



Availability: 1 in stock